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Writer's pictureTara Hall

Programme WC 8 August

Monday 8 August

3 stations in 3 lines

1 min on each, 30s rest and all move round

1 - press ups

2 - KB swings

3 - burpees


1 - lunges

2 - barbell press

3 - sit ups


work through separately

4 sets of 10 reps


Hip thrusts

Single arm DB press (each side)

Bent over row

Bicep curls

Tuesday 9 August

8 stations 45s on each 20s rest in between x3

1- box jumps

2- ball slams

3- devils press

4 - press up

5 - heels elevated squats

6 - KB swings

7 - thrusters

8 - plank up downs

work through separately

4 sets of 10 reps

Tricep dips

Bent over row underhand grip

front foot elevated split squats

romanian deadlifts

hip thrusts/glute bridges

v - ups


A - 4x6 deficit deadlifts

B1 - 3x6 front foot elevated split squats

B2 - 3x6 paused romanian deadlifts

C1 - 3x8 seated row

C2 - 3x8 bent over row

D1 - 3x8 Seated shoulder press

D2 - 3x8 pull ups

E - 3x8 triple contraction hip thrusts

Wednesday 10 August

HIIT and Core circuit 20s on 10s off x3 - stay in same place no need to move round no equipment


Shoulder taps

High knees

Jump squats




work in 3s and all move round stations in your 3

1 - 10 deadlifts, 10 press ups, 10 sit ups

2 - 10 reverse lunges, 10 leg extensions, 10 box jumps

3 - 10 hip thrusts, 10 lying leg curls, 10 plank up downs

4 - 10 barbell press, 10 side raises, 10 tricep dips

x3 of each


Warm up circuit all in one place no need to move round

20s on 10s off x2 (5mins)

plank walkout

shoulder taps


star jumps

high knees

12 stations 45s on 20s off x2 (26mins)

Circuit cards will be ready, each person choose a circuit card and then sets up their station straight after the warm up

Core finisher:


Hollow body hold


Ab extensions

Thursday 11 August

Legs 15 reps of each (go lighter)

Bulgarian split squats (each side)

Lying leg curls

Romanian Deadlifts


Shoulders/Back 15 reps of each

Bent over row

Single arm DB press

Side raises

Front raises

Plank row


Glutes 15 reps each

Hip thrusts

Banded kickbacks standing (band around ankles)

Deficit reverse lunges


Arms 15 reps of each

Press ups

Tricep dips

Overhead tricep extensions

Barbell bicep curls


Core 15 reps of each

Ab extensions



Sit ups with twist at top



A1 - Heels elevated high bar squat 3x8

A2 - Single leg curl on cables 3x8

B1 - 3x8 lat pulldown on cables

B2 - 3x8 single arm DB press

C - KAS glute bridges 3x10

D1 - Bent over DB row 3x10

D2 - Y raises on 65 degree incline bench 3x10

E - hanging leg raises 3x10 and reverse crunches 3x10

Friday 12 August

HIIT and Core circuit 20s on 10s off x3 - stay in same place no need to move round no equipment

High knees

Jump squats



Down ups

Shoulder taps


work in 3s and all move round stations in your 3

1 - 10 barbell pull ups, 10 press ups, 10 sit ups

2 - 10 reverse lunges, 10 leg extensions, 10 box jumps

3 - 10 hip thrusts, 10 lying leg curls, 10 plank up downs

4 - 10 barbell press, 10 side raises, 10 tricep dips

x3 of each

Finisher x1 round

30 ball slams

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