Circuits Week
Monday 28 June
30s on 10s off 3 rounds then move round
1 - Db clusters, get ups
2 - In/out jumps, step ups
3 - low squats onto step, hand release press ups
4 - step ups onto box, rocky press
5 - alternating plank row, jumping jacks
6 - long jumps, skipping
7 - scissors, plank side walks
Tuesday 29 June
40 secs on 20 secs off
1 - Seated row
2 - Barbell press
3 - Squats
4 - Elevated press ups
5 - Rower
6 - Air bike
7 - Barbell pull ups
8 - Leg extension
1 - Skipping
2 - Corner taps
3 - Ball slams
4 - Box jumps
5 - Plank toe taps
6 - Bicycles
7 - Press ups
Wednesday 30 June
30s on 10s off 3 rounds then move round
1 - Down ups, seated shoulder press
2 - Squat jumps, side to side jumps
3 - corner taps, press ups
4 - barbell front raises, plank reach throughs
5 - alternating plank row, tuck jumps or jumping jacks
6 - side squats, skipping
7 - bicycles, low squats onto step
Thursday 1 July
Endurance circuit 20s on 10s off x4
High knees
In/out jumps
Lunge jumps
Down ups
Lateral jumps
Quick feet
Get ups
Strength Circuits 30s on 15s off x4
Barbell press
Bent over row
Crossbody crunches
Lying leg curls
Side lunges
Friday 2 July
40 secs on 20 secs off
1 - Seated row
2 - Barbell press
3 - Squats
4 - Elevated press ups
5 - Rower
6 - Air bike
7 - Barbell pull ups
8 - Leg extension
1 - Skipping
2 - Kettlebell swings
3 - Ball slams
4 - Box jumps
5 - Toes to bar
6 - Bicycles
7 - Press up to shoulder tap