Monday 4 July
15,12,10,8 bulgarian split squats
15,12,10,8 lying leg curls
15,12,10,8 barbell press
15,12,10,8 side raises
press ups
KAS glute bridges
front foot elevated split squat each leg
bent over row
4 on each
cable crunches 3x15
pull ups 3xamrap
burpee over box 1min each x2
high box jumps 1min each x2
Tuesday 5 July
15,12,10,8 of each
romanian DL
hip thrusts
press ups
8 mins on each, 2-3 mins rest in between to move round
10 pull ups
10 reverse lunges each leg
20 shoulder taps
10 tricep dips
10 squats
10 thrusters
10 side raises
20 deadbugs
10 barbell press
10 bent over row
10 Y raises
20 plank saws
finisher core x3
20 scissors
10 reverse crunches
10 twists
4x3 squats
4x6 deadstop hip thrusts
4x3 barbell press
incline bench neutral grip press with DB 3x8 superset 3x8 pull ups
seated row with rope 3x8 superset DB hammer bicep curls 3x8
lat pull down 3x10
single arm high cable row 3x10 each side
single arm tricep pushdown 3x10 each side
Wednesday 6 July
5 deadlifts
5 burpee over bar
8 thrusters
8 squats with DB
in pairs x3 of each
1- Incline bench neutral grip press x8
Pull ups x8
2 - heels elevated squats with DB each hand x10
leg extensions x10
3 - lying leg curls x12
bulgarian split squats x10 each leg
4 - seated row with rope x12
bicep curls with DBs x12
5 - reverse crunches x10
bicycles x20
Thursday 7 July
strength circuit 30s on 15s off x4
barbell press
bent over row
single arm clean and press alternating
endurance circuit 20s on 10s off x4 (all together in one space)
high knees
in/out jumps
lunge jumps (or lunges)
down ups
lateral jumps
quick feet
4x3 deadlifts
romanian deadlifts 3x8 superset heels elevated squats with DB 3x8
negative pull ups 5x5
underhand grip lat pulldown 3x10
Prone on bench lateral raises 3x12 superset Y raises 3x12
bent over row 3x8
single arm row 3x8 each side
hanging leg raises 3x am rap
Friday 8 July
in pairs 3x of each
1 - 6 deadstop hip thrusts
10 front foot elevated split squats each leg
2 - 8 pause squats
8 romanian deadlifts
3 - 6 barbell press
6 barbell pull ups
4 - neutral grip seated row x12
hands elevated press ups x12
5 - seated neutral grip shoulder press x12
side raises 1 sec pause x12
abs 3x
reverse crunches x10
bicycles x20
deadbugs x10