Are you ready to work hard this week? Here is your programme, book your class by clicking here
Monday 25 July
Warm up - cones run, mobility
30 KB swings
Then 5 rounds of:
10 press ups
5 single arm clean and press each arm
10 lunges (5 each side)
20 mountain climbers
when 5 rounds completed:
30 KB swings
6x runs
For time:
20 burpees
20 squats
20 barbell press
20 plank walks
Circuit to finish with cards 20s on 10s off
Tuesday 26 July
Warm up - suicide runs, mobility
To start - 30 hip thrusts/glute bridges
Then 5 rounds of:
10 Hand release press ups
10 reverse crunches
10 squats
10 v-ups
10 thrusters
to finish - 30 hip thrusts/glute bridges
In pairs x10 mins
10 DB deadlifts
10 burpees syncro
10 heels elevated squats with DBs
20 KB swings
Boat pose hold 30s
Plank hold 30s
Side plank hold 30s each side
Floating trap bar deadlifts 4x8
DB deficit reverse lunges 3x8 each leg superset DB RDL 3x8
Kas glute bridges 3x20
Seated BB press 3x8
Single arm DB row 3x8 each side
Seated row 3x10 superset DB bicep curls 3x10
Overhand grip negative pull ups 3x5
Wednesday 27 July
4 mins on each station (one pair on each)
1 - squats with DB or on squat rack x10
BB press x10
2 - leg extension x10
box jumps x10
3 - DB shoulder press standing x10
DB bicep curls x10
4 - Ball slams x10
Seated row with rope x10
5 - Step ups onto box x8 each side
Hip thrusts x10 or glute bridges
6 - Deficit reverse lunges x8 each leg
KB swings x20
7 - Lying chest press x10
Bent over row x10
30 thrusters
30 squat pulse
30 mountain climbers
Thursday 28 July
7 min amrap
20 mountain climbers
20 twists
20 shoulder taps
20 side raises
In pairs 10min amrap
5 deadlifts
10 syncro burpees
10 box jumps
10 reverse lunges (each leg)
In same pairs complete 3 rounds of each:
10 bulgarian split squats each leg
10 romanian deadlifts
10 press ups
10 reverse crunches
10 bent over row
5 pull ups or negative pullups or barbell pull ups
10 box jumps
for remainder of session circuit using cards 30s on 10s off
Db chest press 3x8
Lat pulldown on cables 3x8
Hip thrusts deadstop 4x6
Step ups on cable 3x8 each leg superset trap bar RDL 3x8
Barbell press 3x8 strict
Side raises 1 and 1/4 reps 3x8
Bicep curls barbell 3x8
Finish with deficit reverse crunches 3x8
Friday 29 July
21 squats, press ups
15 squats, press ups
9 squats, press ups
3 rounds 1 min of each
down ups
chest press
KB swings
ab extensions
rest 1 min
1/2 class pull ups practise
barbell pull ups 3x amrap
negative pull ups 3x amrap
1/2 class press up practise
negative press ups x10
Press ups holds x10
High plank hold 1min