Each day this week we are focusing on one exercise to slow down and increase weight on
Challenge this week - how high can you box jump?!
WC Monday 21 March
Deadlifts 5x6 reps
3x12 each leg bulgarian split squats
Front squat x15
Step ups x10 each leg
Clean and press x5 each side
Behind head press x10
Man makers x5
Toes to bar x10
Leg raises lying or hanging x10
OH plate ab roll ups x10
Tuesday 22 March
Strict barbell press 4x6 reps
10 DB thrusters
5 down ups
as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes
in pairs 3 rounds of each one focus on heavy lifts
1 - 10 squats, wall sit/squat hold
2 - 16 lunges, squat jumps/in out jumps
3 - 10 barbell strict press, inchworms
4 - 15 glute bridges, squat pulse
5 - 15 bent over row, press up to shoulder taps
Glute burner 3x20
Narrow glute bridges
clams (10 each side)
wide glute bridges
fire hydrants (10 each side)
Mum and Baby
Glute burner 3x20
Glute bridges
clams (10 each side)
fire hydrants (10 each side)
10 press ups
10 crunches
5 down ups
as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes
10 squats
10 lunges
10 shoulder taps
10 plank twists
side planks 2x20s each side.
Strict press 4x6
Pull ups 4x6 (negatives, full or banded)
Flat neutral grip bench press 3x8
Seated narrow grip row 3x10
High step ups 3x8 each leg superset romanian deadlifts 3x10
Deadstop Hip thrusts 4x6
Wednesday 23 March
Squats 5x6
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes
20 kettlebell swings
20 glute bridges
20 lying leg curls
work in pairs x3 of each
1 - 10 press ups, tricep extensions overhead
2 - 10 chest press, lying leg raises
3 - 10 barbell press, plank saws
4 - 10 side lunges each side, bicycles slow
5 - 10 pause squats (hold for 2 secs at bottom), long jumps
shoulder burner with red or yellow plates
10 shoulder press
10 side raises
10 front raises
10 around the worlds
Ab burner 3x10 of each
russian twists
flutter kicks
plank saws
Thursday 24 March
5x5 DB clean and press each side
E2MOM x6
10 squats
10 lunges
10 press ups
5 down ups
Cardio circuit (stay in space not moving round) 20s on 10s off
High knees
Fast feet
Squat jumps
Long jumps
Side steps corner to corner
12 romanian deadlifts
12 lying Db leg curls
12 glute bridges
Abs 3x
side plank 20s each side
plank 30s
Friday 25 March
Hip thrusts or glute bridges paused - 2 sec hold at the top of each rep 4x10
Bulgarian split squats 1x20 3x10 each leg
Step ups 3x10 each leg
Rest 45 secs after each set
Squats x15 straight into 20 lunges x3
Press ups x15 straight into barbell press x15 x3
Glute bridges x15, RDLs x15, standing banded kickbacks x10 each side - x3
Side raises x10, front raises x10, bent over row x10 - x3
Abs - 3x20
Russian twists
Leg raises
Plank saws