Our challenge this week is the squat song! This will be a fun one - much better than last weeks burpees!
Monday 14 March
3x - warm up
20 shoulder taps
10 in/out jumps
10 squats
10 plank arm raises
10 ab extensions
4 rounds
Thrusters x10
Tricep extensions with DB x10
Lunges x10 each leg
Press ups x10
5 rounds
Squats x10
Single arm shoulder press x10 each arm
Chest press with barbell or DB x10
Glute bridges x12 with 2 sec hold at the top
Romanian deadlifts x12
5 rounds
Hand release press ups x10
Knee to elbow x20
Tuesday 15 March
5x5 barbell press
3x5 clean and press
3x5 clusters
20 curtsy lunges
20 reverse lunges
20 glute bridges
10 SA press
10 Sumo squat high pull
10 side raises
10 squats
8 x strict press
8 x push press (barbell press using legs)
8 x press ups
rest 1 min
Mum and Baby
20 curtsy lunges
20 reverse lunges
20 glute bridges
30s on 10s off x3
press ups
plank hold
squat pulse
bicycles slow
3x15 KAS glute bridges superset with 3x12 lying DB leg curls
Front foot elevated reverse lunges x8 each leg superset with romanian deadlifts 3x12
Squats 3x8
Lying DB chest press 3x10 superset underhand grip pull ups x6 - 3x
Seated row 3x10 superset 3x8 thrusters
Hammer bicep curls 3x12 superset lying tricep kickbacks 3x12
Abs - reverse crunches 3x12
Wednesday 16 March
10 min AMRAP
5 DB clusters
5 squats
5 lunges each leg
5 barbell press
5 press ups
in pairs 3 rounds of each one focus on heavy lifts
1 - 10 squats, squat hold/wall sit
2 - 16 lunges, KB swings
3 - 10 barbell strict press, inchworms
4 - 15 glute bridges, side squats
5 - 15 bent over row, press up to shoulder taps
Glute burner 2-3x20
Narrow glute bridges
wide glute bridges
clams (10 each side)
fire hydrants (10 each side)
Thursday 17 March
3x10 Deadlifts
3x10 Romanian Deadlifts
3xAMRAP pike push ups
10 bent over DB rows
30s high plank hold (or handstand hold)
10 pike push ups
10 DB strict press
10 wide bent over row
10 underhand bent over row
10 plank row each side
10 plank twists (weighted if possible using light DB)
45 seconds on each x2
high plank hold
negative press ups
press ups
4x8 deadlifts
3x10 leg extensions superset heels elevated squats with DB 3x10
45 degree bench shoulder press 3x8-10 superset overhand grip pull ups (full, negative or banded) x6 - 3x
Seated row with rope 3x12 superset side raises 3x12
BB bicep curls 3x12 superset rope tricep pushdowns 3x12
Friday 18 March
7 mins work
10 Db clusters
10 press ups
5 down ups
in pairs - 3 rounds of each
1 - 10 lunges each leg, down ups
2 - 10 deadlifts, box jumps
3 - 20 glute bridges, burpee over bar
4 - 10 RDL, warrior squats
5 - 15 bent over row, inchworms
6 - 5 man makers, in/out jumps
Press up practise - 1 min of each
High plank hold
Negative press ups
Press up hold
Press ups