Volume Week!
Monday 2nd March
Down ups x5 or plank walkouts x5 (modify to kneeling plank walkouts if needed)
Squats with DB x12
20 - 18 - 16 - 14 - 12 (in pairs - while one works the other does knee to elbow on hands or on back e.g. person 1 does 20 overhead lunges, person 2 does knee to elbow until partner has finished, then swap, then person 1 does 20 thrusters, person 2 knee to elbow & swap etc…)
Overhead reverse lunges (hold 5kg plate with arms straight)
Thrusters (with barbells)
Glute bridges
Pairs in 15 - 20 mins (remainder of class) — while one person works, other holds reverse plank
20 single leg squats (each leg)
20 press ups
20 lunges (each leg)
20 burpees
20 air squats (no weight)
20 single arm shoulder press (each side)
20 ab roll ups
Tuesday 3rd March
2 rounds (time your workout and post in FB group)
Modify burpees using step or plank walkouts/kneeling plank walkouts
12 burpees
12 thrusters (with barbell)
12 burpees
12 squats
12 burpees
12 ab extensions
12 burpees
12 overhead lunges
12 burpees
12 shoulder taps (keep hips still)
4 rounds in pairs - one person works and partner holds reverse plank then switch
20 ball slams
20 barbell strict press
20 dumbbell over head squat (10 on each side) https://youtu.be/azumEfnk-GI
20 bench squats
20 press ups
20 glute bridges
abs - 20 flutter kicks, 20 ab extensions, 10 ab roll ups - 4x
Beginners - going through slowly one at a time one round each then get them to go through at their own pace 3x each set of exercises
In pairs -
Ball slams x15
Behind head press x15
Repeat 4x with 45 rest in between sets
Thrusters x12
Squat hold with weight
4x with 30sec rest in between sets
Bent over row x12 with 2 sec hold at top
Plank hold
Single leg squats x10 each leg
Side lunges x10 each leg
Glute bridges x15
Wall sit hold
Abs - 10 ab extensions, 20 crossbody crunches - 3x
plank 20-30s, side planks 20s each side - 3x
Wednesday 4th March
10 strict press
10 ab roll ups
10 press ups
20 glute bridges
20 crossbody crunches
16x goblet squats (DB)
16x lying leg curls
16x lunges (8 each side)
4x with 1min rest in between sets
20 shoulder taps
20s bear crawl hold
8-12x Devils press - in pairs switch over and rest after each one
5 rounds
Abs - reverse crunches x20, side reaches x20 - 3x
ab extensions x15, plank hold count to 30 - 3x
Thursday 5th March
Start half class on one and half on the other then switch
5 rounds
10 Squats
10 Press ups
10 Barbell press
45 sec - 1 min rest in between sets to recover and keep weight high
4 rounds
16 reverse lunges
16 toes to bar
16 single arm press (8 each side)
All together
4 rounds
16 Chest press with barbell (lying on floor)
20 shoulder taps
Bear crawl hold for 30 seconds
4 rounds
16 bent over row
20 bear crawl shoulder taps
20 crossbody crunches
abs - 30 sec ab extensions, 30 sec reverse plank hold, 20 sec rest - 4x
Beginner - same as above but go through slower
Friday 6th March
30 - 20 - 10
DB overhead reverse lunge (half with one arm overhead then switch)
Barbell press
Shoulder taps (slow and controlled)
Glute bridges
5 rounds
10x press ups
10x behind head press
10x single arm shoulder press (each side)
10x down ups (scale to plank walkouts or kneeling plank walkouts)
10x ab roll ups
10x ab extensions
finisher banded - 50 glute bridges, 20 side steps each side, 20 clams each side - 2x