Wc 29 Nov
Monday 29
10 squats
10 side lunges
10 shoulder taps
One does sit ups while partner working
10 lunges
10 press ups
10 bent over row
One does toes to bar while partner working
20 barbell press
20 shoulder taps
20 side raises
One does inchworms while partner working
30 Glute bridges
30 Russian twists
30 banded side steps
Tuesday 30 Nov
AMRAP 12 minutes
5 deadlifts
10 goblet squats
5 barbell push press
10 barbell press
5 press ups
10 reverse crunches
In pairs
20-16-10-8-6 (5 burpees after each round or 7 cals on air bike or 100m row)
1- thrusters and reverse crunches
2- squats and Glute bridges
3- reverse lunges and shoulder taps
Mum and baby
Slow crunches x10
Bird dog x10
Plank twists x10
30s on 15s off
Press ups
High plank hold
Glute bridges
30s on 15s off
Static lunges left leg
Static lunges right leg
Shoulder taps
Reverse plank hold
Core work if time
5x5 Squats
Front foot elevated lunges x8 each leg 3 sets
Wide grip cable rows 3x10-12
Single arm high cable row 3x10 each side
Single leg leg extensions 3x10 each side
3x6-8 deadstop hip thrusts
Wednesday 1 Dec
12 squats
10 push press
8 pull ups
Then 20 cals air bike or 400m row
10,9,8,7,6…..1 do 10 reps wait 5 secs or take 5 breaths then do 9 and repeat until get to 1
Lunges (each leg)
20 KB swings
10 box jumps
10 ab roll ups
20 bicycles
Thursday 2 Dec
In 5 mins
50 goblet squats
AMRAP burpees
Rest 2 mins
In 5 mins
50 sit ups
AMRAP KB swings
Rest 2 mins
In 5 mins
50 reverse alternating lunges
AMRAP box jumps
Rest 2 mins
In 5 mins
50 single arm KB thrusters (25 each)
AMRAP press up to mountain climber
Friday 3 Dec
4 deadlifts
4 DB or BB push press
4 box jumps or squat jumps
Death by goblet - 5 rounds of each
10 goblet squats, 10 burpees
20 goblet lunges, 10 kB swings
20 goblet step ups, 30 sec plank
10 press ups, 10 deadlift high pull