Monday 22 November
Romanian deadlifts 4x10-12
Barbell press 4x6-8
10 lunges
10 press ups
10 squats
10 thrusters
3 mins on each
1 - 20 shoulder taps, 10 ab extensions
2 - 20 glute bridges, 20 KB swings
3 - 5 deadlifts, 5 single arm press on each side
4 - 10 side lunges (5 each side), 20 heel taps
Tuesday 23 November
4 minutes on each station (staying in same place - can work with a partner)
1 - 10 squats, 10 barbell press
2 - 5 rocky press, 10 side raises
3 - 10 bent over row, 10 plank row (5 each side)
4 - 10 thrusters, 10 around the worlds
5 - 10 romanian deadlifts, 10 lying leg curls
6 - 20 russian twists, 20 heel taps
7 - 10 press ups, 20 toe touches on back
glute and abs finisher (with weights)
10 glute bridges or hip thrusts
10 kickbacks on each side
10 side steps on each side
10 side reaches each side
10 roll ups
Mum and baby
Heel taps
Shoulder taps
30s on 15s off
Squat hold
Press ups
Reverse plank hold
30s on 15s off
Glute bridges
Slow crunches
Reach ups
Heels elevated squats with DBs x2 - 3x12
Deadlifts 5x5
Chest press 3x6-8
Seated row with rope attachment 3x12
Bulgarian split squats 3x10 each leg superset romanian deadlifts 3x8-10
Pull ups/press ups
Rope cable crunches 3x15
Wednesday 24 November
Work on:
Deadlifts with DB or BB - 4x6-8 reps
Squats do 10 reps with 5 sec pause at the bottom, then do 9 reps with 5 sec pause, 8 reps etc etc.
Working in pairs and moving round - 30s on 10s off - 3 rounds on each station then move round
1 - Rower, Press ups
2 - Air bike, Seated DB shoulder press
3 - Squats, Ball slams
4 - Barbell press, step ups
5 - Leg extensions, Bent over row
6 - Seated cable row, tricep dips
7 - Walking lunges, skipping
8 - Russian twists, handstands or wall sit
Thursday 25 November
Working on:
Barbell press 4x6-8 reps try go heavier
Glute bridges 10 reps with 5 sec pause at the top of the 10th rep, then do 9 reps with 5 sec pause at the top of the 9th rep, then 8 etc etc
Working in pairs 4 mins on each superset
1 - 10 man makers, 20 mountain climbers
2 - 5 down ups, 5 rocky press
3 - 10 ab extensions, 20 shoulder taps
4 - 10 romanian deadlifts, 10 lying leg curls
5 - 10 squats, 20 KB swings
6 - 5 single arm press each side, 10 side raises
7 - 20 russian twists, 20 glute bridges
Friday 26 November
10 thrusters
10 lunges
in pairs x4 of each
10 deadlifts
press ups
10 chest press
plank rows alternating
10 bent over row
shoulder taps
10 heels elevated squats
lying leg curls
10 front foot elevated lunges (5 each side)
plank hold