Monday 18 Oct
Technique focused - DB clean and press x5 each side heavy - 5 sets
4 minutes on each superset
1 - Squats x10, Single arm DB press x10 each arm
2 - Glute bridges x20, KB/DB swings x20
3 - DB deadlifts x10, Barbell press x10
4 - Lunges x10 each leg, Press ups x10
5 - Bent over row x12, Plank row x12 each side
6 - Russian twists x30, Sit ups x10
7 - Shoulder taps x30, Wall sit or squat hold count 30
Finisher - 30 glute bridges 30 clams total 30 side steps
Tuesday 19 October
1 min on each x3 - 30s rest in between each exercise
Alternating DB clean and press
Rocky press
Press ups
1 min on each x3 - 30s rest in between exercises
Glute bridges
Deficit deadlifts (standing on 10kg plate each going all the way to floor)
Feet elevated goblet squats
Frog bridges (glute bridge but with feet together and knees still apart)
Working in pairs 3 rounds of each - one rests one goes
Pull ups x10
Close grip bench press x10
Single arm press x8 each side
Bent over wide grip rows x12
Wednesday 20 October
4 mins on each station
1 - Squats x10
Single arm DB press x8 each arm
2 - Good mornings x12
Deadlifts x12
3 - Rocky press x10
Ball slams x10
4 - Deficit lunges x16
Glute bridges x15
5 - Close grip chest press x12
Bent over row x12
6 - Tricep extensions x10
Hammer curls x10
7 - Feet elevated squats x12
Plate front raises x12
Thursday 21 October
5x5 strict press
5x5 push press
3x10 each leg single leg squats
in pairs 4 rounds each for quality
Static lunges x8 each leg
Wall sit
Press ups x12
DB thrusters
Bent over row x12
Man makers
Barbell press x12
Reverse plank hold or handstands
Friday 22 October
As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes
20 kettlebell swings
20 glute bridges
20 single leg split squats (10 each side)
20 sumo squats
work in pairs x3 of each
1 - 10 press ups, tricep extensions
2 - 10 pike press ups, inchworms
3 - 10 barbell press, get ups
4 - 10 side lunges each side, jump lunges
5 - 10 sumo squats, long jumps
shoulder burner with red or yellow plates
10 shoulder press
10 side raises
10 front raises
10 around the worlds