Tuesday 29 August
BodyFIT 6.15am and 9.30am
8 Thrusters
8 DB squats
8 Deadlifts
8 Press ups
30:10 x5
BB press
Glute bridges
Reverse lunges
Shoulder taps
Squat Jumps
Plank Walkouts
Ab extensions
Bootcamp 6pm
Warm up - squat give, ground OH, burpees
10 press ups, sprint, 9 press ups, sprint down to 1 press up then complete 200m run
10 ball slams, sprint etc down to 1 ball slams, complete 200m run
30:10 x5
4 on wall sit
4 on DB squats
4 skipping
4 Burpees
4 on spin
4 thrusters
4 quick step ups
4 star jumps
Wednesday 30 August
BodyFIT Express 6.15am, BodyFIT 9.30am and 6pm
1. EMOM x6
- 8 press ups
- 8 Db squats
2. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
- 10 Alternating clean and press (DB)
- 10 bent over row
- 10 chest press
- 10 sit ups
3. EMOM for 12 mins
minute 1: 8 Devils press
minute 2: 8 BB press
minute 3: 8 deadlifts
4. 4 sets of:
20 walking lunges (10 each side)
30s wall sit
5. Glutes and core finisher 2-3x
20 banded glute bridges
20 banded abductors each side
20 banded crabb walks
20 twists
20 scissors
Thursday 31 August - Ree pump 9.30am & 6pm, BodyFIT 6.15am
1. EMOM x7
10 plate ground to overhead (plate touch floor, then above head)
6x front alternating lunges
2. in rows (front, back, middle) x3
- front - 15 ball slams
- middle - press ups
- back - squats
3. in rows (front, back, middle) x3
- front - 15 BB press
- middle - bent over row
- back - DB renegade rows
4. EMOM x7
- 5 Burpee box jump overs
- 10 Dumbbell snatches (alternating arms)
5. For Time:
- 800 meter run OR spin bike 1 mile
- 50 KB swings
- 30 Toes-to-bar
Friday 1 September; - Calorie Burn 6.15am, BodyFIT 9.30am
Calorie Burn:
Teams of 3. - reps are between you not each!
8 min time cap on each
1 - 90 cals air bike, 90 press ups, 90 lunges
2 - 1500m row, 90 step ups (each), 90 ball slams
3 - 300 battle rope, 90 squats, 180 box jumps
4 - 200 skips (each), 90 BB press, 90 pull ups
BodyFIT 9.30am
For time (complete the following exercises as quickly as possible):
1. Squat strength
4 sets of 6-8 reps (going heavier after each set)
2. Hip thrusts & split squats
KAS glute bridges x15
Bulgarian split squats x8 each side
3. AMRAP in 8 minutes:
- 10 RDL
- 20 Walking lunges
- 30 KB swings
4. 4 rounds:
- 5 clean and press (DB alternating 5 each or BB)
- 10 Hand release press ups
5. Glute and core burner
20 shoulder taps
20 plank twists
20 banded glute bridges
20 banded abductors