Monday 19th - 9.30am & 6pm BODYFIT
4 deadlifts
4 bb press
4 split squats (each)
4 single arm DB press (each)
4 rounds ⬇️
A- 8 squats, 10 ab roll ups
B- 8 chest press, 20 shoulder taps
C- 8 bent over row, 8 press ups
D- 8 hip thrusts/glute bridges, 10 step ups (each side)
Abs 3x10
Reverse crunches
Tuesday 20th- 9.30am, 6pm BODYFIT (as of next week 6pm class will be replaced with Bootcamp!)
4 reverse lunges each side
8 thrusters
8 heels elevated squats
8 press ups
In pairs ⬇️ 4 rounds of each
A- 8 Romanian deadlifts, 8 paused hip thrusts
B- 8 BB press, 12 lateral raises
C- 8 Single arm DB row each side, 10 crunches
D- 8 walking lunges each side, 30s wall sit
E- 10 bicep curls, 10 lying tricep extension
Wednesday 21st - 6.15am BODYFIT express, 9.30am and 6pm BODYFIT
1 min on each ⬇️
Press ups
Ab roll ups
In 90s complete ⬇️ (15s rest after the 90s) x4
Ball slams x10
Squats x10
Glute bridges x15
Then in pairs work for 2 mins on each ⬇️ repeat until finish
A- 8 single arm db press each side, 12 bent over row
B- 20 mountain climbers, 30s wall sit
C- 20 bicycles, 20 step ups (10 each side)
D- 20 squat pulse, 20 KB swings
Thursday 22nd - 6.15am BODYFIT express, 9.30 and 6pm BODYFIT, 10.30am beginners class (as of next week the 9.30am class will be replaced with ReePump this will be outside - open gym inside)
EMOMX6 (in pairs one work one rest) (beginners class all work for 1 min then rest 30 sec in between)
Deadlifts (one partner works for the entire minute then swap)
EMOMX6 (as above)
BB thrusters (advanced clean and press)
One barbell each ⬇️ 1 min on each exercise - slow the movement down 30s rest in between - 3 rounds - beginner same
Reverse lunges alternating
Bent over row
Bb press
Glute bridges
Arm burner 3x10
Lateral raises
Bicep curls
Lying tricep extensions
Friday 23rd - calorie burn 6.15am, BODYFIT 9.30am
8 min work 1 min rest first round, 2nd round 6min work
6 Bulgarian SS each leg
6 hip thrusts
6 strict press
As above
6 devils press
6 heels elevated squats
6 press ups
6 bent over row
All together 8 min work
6 deadlifts
6 front foot elevated ss each side
10press ups - run - 10 ball slams - run
9 etc down to 1 of each
In pairs - one wall sit, other 4 runs wall to wall 4 star jumps and swap - 3x
All together 30:10
Burpees over bar
Jump squats
Spin bike