Tuesday 19 September
4 stations set up inside and out
2 on each station
45:20 x3
1 - squats
2 - Seated DB shoulder press
3 - hip thrusts
4 - RDL
outside - 45:20 x3
1 - deadlifts
2 - bulgarian split squats
3 - pull ups
4 - Kb swings (20)
All together 1 barbell each 3x10
BB press
Bent over row
Reverse lunges
Banded glute bridges (+DB or BB)
Banded abductions x10 each side
Wednesday 19 September
1 BB and 1 set of DB each
10 thrusters
10 press ups
10 DB squats
10 KB swings
BB press
DB bent over row
Split squats 10 each side
Arms 3x10
Bicep curls DB
Lying tricep extensions DB
Side raises DB or red/yellow plates
Thursday 20 September
4 stations set up inside and out
2 on each station
4x 10 on each, do 10 reps then move station (wait for person in front to finish)
1 - heels elevated squats
2 - Seated DB shoulder press
3 - KAS glute bridge (20)
4 - RDL - (advanced single leg RDL 10 each side)
outside - 4x10 of each, move round after 10 reps complete
1 - sumo deadlifts
2 - front foot elevated split squats
3 - barbell pull ups
4 - Kb swings (20)
All together 1 barbell each 3x10
Bent over row
Reverse lunges
Banded glute bridges (+DB or BB)
Banded abductions x10 each side
Friday 21 September
In pairs complete 4x10 of each, stay on same exercise until 4 rounds complete
1 - KAS glute bridge, banded abductors (10 each side, light band around ankle)
2 - seated leg curl, bulgarian split squats
3 - single arm DB row, DB bench press
4 - hands elevated press ups, bent over row
5 - wall sit (count 20), DB squats
6 - hanging leg raises or reverse crunches, twists
30 banded squats
30 banded crabb walks
30 shoulder taps
30 bicycles (slow)
30 plank (count 30)
4 mins on each station 1 min in between stations
1- 10 cal air bike, 10 press ups, 20 mountain climbers
2- 10 bench press, 10 shoulder press, 10 BB pull ups
3- 150m row, down ups, DB squats
4- 10 shuttle runs, 20 walking lunges, 10 thrusters
5- 10 burpee over bar, 10 butterfly sit ups, 10 box jumps
10 squat jumps
10 broad jumps
10 quick feet
10 high knees
10 froggers