We had a lovely day retreat over the weekend and looking forward to getting stuck into another week!
Monday 10 July
BodyFIT 9.30am, 6pm
4 on spin
4 on - 10 ball slams, 10 press ups
4 on - DB squats
3 rounds
4 on burpees
4 on - 10 ab extensions, 10 lunges (5 each)
4 on - wall sit
3 rounds
8 deadlifts (first minute)
10 heels elevated squats (second minute)
PAIRS 3 rounds
a - bb pull ups x10, plank
b - bb press x10, bicycles
c - bent over row x10, shoulder taps
Tuesday 11 July
BodyFIT 6.15am, 9.30am
For time:
1-mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air squats
1-mile run
1 on battle rope - 50x - everyone else keeps going until person on battle ropes have finished then move round
Box jumps
BB pull ups
Press ups
Ball slams
Wall to wall sprints
Walking lunges
4 on spin
4 on - 10 ball slams, 10 wall to wall runs
4 on - wall sit
4 on burpees
4 on - 20 shoulder taps, 10 lunges
4 on - thrusters
Glute burner!
Wednesday 12 July
BodyFIT 6.15am, 9.30am, 6pm
Circuit Training:
3-4x 40:15
1: Jump squats
2: Press ups
3: Mountain climbers
4: Plank hold
5: Kettlebell swings (or dumbbell swings)
6: Burpees
7: BB press
8: Deadlifts
2. HIIT:
20:10 x4
1: Squat jumps
2: High knees
3: Bicycles
4: Plank jacks
3. Strength Circuit:
3x12-15 reps
1: Goblet squats (using a kettlebell or dumbbell)
2: Bent over row (using dumbbells or a barbell)
3: Walking lunges (with or without weights)
4: Shoulder press (using dumbbells or a barbell)
5: Russian twists (with a medicine ball or weight)
Thursday 13 July
Ree Pump 9.30am
BodyFIT 6.15am, 6pm
5 rounds:
3-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible):
3 Cleans or thrusters
6 Press ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute between rounds
For time in pairs (number is between you)
150 Wall balls
Perform a squat and throw the ball against a target 10 feet high, catching it and returning to the squat position for each rep.
21-15-9 reps:
BB press
3 rounds:
1 minute of Wall balls
1 minute of Sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of Box jumps
1 minute of Push presses
1 minute of Rowing (calories)
1 minute of Rest
Friday 14 July
Calorie Burn 6.15am
BodyFIT 9.30am
Tabata Burpees:
Perform burpees at a high intensity for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for a total of 8 rounds (4 minutes).
Circuit Training:
30:10 x4
Station 1: Jumping squats
Station 2: Press ups
Station 3: Mountain climbers
Station 4: Plank jacks
HIIT Cardio Circuit:
45:15 x3-4
Exercise 1: High knees
Exercise 2: Jumping lunges
Exercise 3: Burpees
Exercise 4: Mountain climbers
Exercise 5: Skaters
4 Deadlifts
4 BB press
4 Split squats (each)
4 SA DB press (each)
45:10 on each x3
Press ups
KB swings
In 90s complete x4 (30s rest after 90s)
15 Ball slams
15 Squats
15 Glute bridges
Glute and core burner