Monday 29 May
in 90s complete (30s rest)
10 deadlifts
10 reverse lunges
10 squat pulse
2 min work 30 sec rest x3
1 - 10 bb press, 10 bent over row, 10 DB plank pull through
2 - 20 KB swings, 10 RDL, 20s wall sit
3 - 10 press ups, 10 bent over row, 10 reverse crunches
4 - 10 barbell pull ups, 6 DB snatches each side, 10 butterfly sit ups
Tuesday 30 May
10 mins Deadlift practise working up to 1 rep max
In pairs 3x of each
1 - 8 reverse lunges each leg, 15 glute bridges
2 - 10 heels elevated squats, 10 romanian deadifts
3 - 8 barbell press, 12 lateral raises
4 - 8 bent over row, 8 barbell pull ups
5 - 12 bicep curls DB, 12 tricep extensions DB
Core: 3x10 - reverse crunches, russian twists
Wednesday 31 May
20:10 x6
Ground to overhead
Press ups
20:10 x6
rear foot elevated split squats L
rear foot elevated split squats R
Working in pairs x3 of each
1 - 8 thrusters, 8 side raises
2 - 8 split squats each side, 8 romanian deadlifts
3 - 8 BB press, 8 bent over row
4 - 15 glute bridges, 15 squats
Finisher (banded) x3
15 glute bridges
10 abductors (each side)
20 crabb walks
Thursday 1 June
In pairs complete 4x10 of each, stay on same exercise until 4 rounds complete
1 - KAS glute bridge, banded abductors (10 each side, light band around ankle)
2 - seated leg curl, bulgarian split squats
3 - single arm DB row, DB bench press
4 - hands elevated press ups, bent over row
5 - wall sit (count 20), DB squats
6 - hanging leg raises or reverse crunches, twists
30 banded squats
30 banded crabb walks
30 shoulder taps
30 bicycles (slow)
30 plank (count 30)
Beginner - as above but 3x10 of each exercise and no finisher - longer rest periods, lower weight
Friday 2 June
4 stations set up inside and out
2 on each station
4x 10 on each, do 10 reps then move station (wait for person in front to finish)
1 - jumping pull ups
2 - step ups (10 each side one leg at a time)
3 - deadstop hip thrusts (plates hit the floor each rep)
4 - Seated neutral grip row (cables)
outside - 4x10 of each, move round after 10 reps complete
1 - walking lunges
2 - RDL
3 - Press ups
4 - SA DB press (one arm at a time 10 each side)
All together 1 barbell each 3x10
Bent over row
Bicep curls
Banded glute bridges (+DB or BB)
Banded abductions x10 each side
4 mins on each station 1 min in between stations
1- 10 cal air bike, 10 press ups, 20 mountain climbers
2- 10 bench press, 10 shoulder press, 10 BB pull ups
3- 150m row, down ups, DB squats
4- 1 min spin bike, 20 walking lunges, 10 thrusters
5- 10 burpee over bar, 10 butterfly sit ups, 10 box jumps
10 squat jumps
10 broad jumps
10 quick feet
10 high knees
10 froggers