You don’t dare get on there because you’re scared of what they say
There’s junk food everywhere. Sweets, cake and more being brought in at work which is so hard to resist, so you cave, have a bit and then think ‘fuck it’ and can’t stop :(
If you are struggling to snap yourself out of it, believe me you are not alone! I used to struggle with this too! Even at home when someone offered me a chocolate like Heroes or something I’d cave, have one then eat the whole box and wonder why I gained weight.
What helped me massively was tracking my food and knowing that if I wanted something I could have it and it would always be there so I didn’t have to eat everything there and then.
I can have these things whenever I liked.
Food will always be there
You will not starve
You do not need to eat everything NOW, it’ll be there tomorrow I know what it tastes like I don’t need all of it
These sentences really helped me
To be free of this issue I cannot explain enough how important it is to track your food to see what you are actually eating every day. Yep even if you ate a donut track it in and see how many calories is in it, see how many calories you have left. Then move on with your day.
Takes 5 mins a day to do this, once you’re used to it, like anything when something is new you need to get the hang of it.
Just doing this is going to get you well on the way to getting to your ideal weight & feeling much more in control around food