Strength focused:
5 mins on each:
Back row - 4 x 8/8/6/4 hip thrusts (work in pairs)
front - 4 x 10 (1 sec pause at bottom of each rep) romanian deadlifts
5 mins on each:
Back row - 4 x 8/8/6 BB press
front - 3 x 8/8/6 chest press
5 mins on each:
Back row - 4 x 12 lying DB leg curls
front - 3 x 8 e/s front foot elevated split squat
5 mins on each:
back row - 3 x 6 pull ups (banded)
front - 3 x 15 lateral raises superset 3 x 15 bicep curls
5 mins on each
back - 3 x 8 BB squats (1 sec pause at the bottom of each rep)
front - 3 x 8 Deadlifts
5 mins on each
back - 3 x 8 alternating chest press, superset 3x10 bicep curls
front - 3 x 12 front raises superset 3x12 tricep dips
AMRAP in pairs to end of session (you go I go) rest 2-5 mins after each round then go again. Complete the exercise before moving onto the next one
50 DB clusters
50 DB squats
50 plate ground to overhead
50 walking lunges
50 shoulder taps
50 sit ups or hanging leg raises
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes
20 kettlebell swings
10 press ups
10 sit ups
work in pairs 40:20 x4
Alternating DB shoulder press
Lunges alternating
Shoulder taps
Bicep curls
DB squats
Plate ground to overhead
Glute burner
10 Glute bridges banded & weighted
10 Banded crabb walks
10 Romanian deadlifts
Ab burner 3x10 of each
russian twists
flutter kicks
plank saws
Strength - progress from last week ⬇️
Squats 3x8 pause at the bottom for 2 seconds - rest 1 min between sets
Deadlifts 3x6/6/4 rest 1-2 min between sets
Push press 3x4 rest 1 min between sets
Conditioning: 10 min amrap
10 clean and press
10 thrusters
10 Lunges (each side)
10 KB swings
Upper strength & core:
DB shoulder press 3x6 (heavier than last week)
Lateral raises 3x15 superset tricep dips 3x12
Bicep curls 3x12
Hanging leg raises or lying 3x10
To finish 3 rounds
20 bicycles
20 shoulder taps
20 sit ups
Hybrid ⬇️
Squats 4x4 - approx 60%
Barbell strict press 4x4
Superset ⬇️
Reverse lunge 3x6 each side
Romanian deadlift 3x8
40:20 - repeat for remainder of session
1 - Row
2 - Burpees
3 - Run
4 - Wall balls
5 - Ski
6 - Farmer carry 50m
Rest 2 mins after each round
BODYFIT 9.30am
In pairs
10 thrusters
10 squats
5 burpees
10 shoulder taps
AMRAP 10 mins
10 SA press each side
10 bent over row
10 chest press
10 sit ups
AMRAP 10 mins
10 box jumps
20 kettlebell swings
40 jumps with skipping rope
40 jumps
20 Kb swings
10 box jumps
20 bicycles
20 glute bridges
20 leg raises
STRONG 6.30pm
Squats focus over next 4 weeks throughout October aim to progress each week
8/6/4/4 - Pause Squats (weight increase as reps decrease)
8/6/4/4 - Paused hip thrusts (weight increase as reps decrease)
3x6 e/s - bulgarian split squats superset with leg curl or RDL 3x8
8/6/4/4 - DB shoulder press
4x4 - pull ups (with or without band)
3x8 - Seated row superset press ups 3x12