Conditioning week
Monday 13th
10 squats
10 side lunges
20 shoulder taps
10 barbell press
10 press ups
10 roll ups
for time - 3 rounds
20 in/out jumps
20 glute bridges
20 knee to elbow
10 down ups
Tuesday 14th
30min AMRAP in pairs 10 reps each
1 - Strict press x100, Get ups x100
2 - Squats x100, Shoulder taps x400
3 - Press ups x100, Steps ups x400
Wednesday 15th
In pairs
20 - 18 - 16 - 12 - 10 - 8 * 200m run after each round
1 - Single DB press (to floor each rep) + Reverse crunch
2 - Squats + glute bridges
3 - Reverse lunges + overhead press
Friday 17th
In pairs (one works one rests)
35min amrap
10 barbell press
10 goblet squat
10 lunges
10 press ups
10 down ups
run 200m
10 kb swings
Deadlifts (sumo) 5x5
Pull up progression
Squats 5x5
DB shoulder press 5x5
Seated row 3x8-10
Saturday 18th
BodyFIT Beginners
work on lunge technique
work on press up technique
work on squats
Lunges x10 each
Squats x10
Press ups x10
3 rounds
Barbell press x10
Shoulder taps x10
3 rounds
Pairs -
wall sit, squat jumps
plank walkouts, crossbody crunches
6 rounds for time
16 russian twist each side
16 strict press
20 bear shoulder taps (knees bent off floor like bear crawl without the crawl)
20 side lunges (10 each side)
12min AMRAP
15 goblet squats
15 press ups
15 glute bridge
15 toes to bar (lying)