Tuesday 27th August
in pairs
3 rounds - shoulder taps while other is working
20 shoulder press - 2.5kg plates
20 side raises - 1.25kg plates
20 around the worlds - 1.25kg plates
20 bent over row (barbell)
3 rounds - toes to bar while other is working
20 Glute bridges
20 Squats
20 Barbell press
20 Crossbody crunches
3 rounds - plank while other is working
20 squat jumps
5 down ups
20 lunges
20 russian twist
20 toes to bar (lying down)
BodyFIT Strong
Deadlifts 5x5
Squats 5x5
Pull ups
Single arm row
Barbell press
Wednesday 28th August
2 rounds banded
50 glute bridges
20 clams on each leg
20 side steps each side
20 fire hydrants each side
20 squats with band
15 barbell press
15 press ups
15 weighted glute bridges
15 tricep extensions
15 bent over row
20 toes to bar (lying on floor)
20 squats
20 seated shoulder press (2.5kg plates or more)
20 crossbody crunches
20 side squats
Thursday 29th August
30min AMRAP in pairs - split reps
1 - Strict press x100, Get ups x100
2 - Squats x100, Shoulder taps x400
3 - Press ups x100, Steps ups x400
Banded work - 20 glute bridges, 20 side steps x3 straight into abs:
20 crossbody crunches, 10 ab extensions, 10 side plank crunches each side x3
If time at the end in 3 teams (race)
1 person bear crawl from one side of gym to other and back then switch
Plank walkouts one side of gym to other and back then switch
Inch worms
Banded 3x - 10 glute bridges, 10 squats
Single arm row 10 each side, single arm press 10 each side - 3x
Lunges x10 each leg, press ups x10 - 3x
Barbell press x10, squats x10 - 3x
Plank walkouts from one side of gym to other and back then bear crawls 2x each
Abs - crossbody crunches x10, ab roll ups x10 - 3x
Friday 30th August
Seated DB press (on floor)
Press ups
Glute bridges
3 rounds for time
10 single leg glute bridges
10 plank row (each side)
8 double lunges each leg (all the way down, half way up then back down & all the way up = 1 rep)
Abs -
crossbody crunches x20
ab extensions x10
3 rounds
scissors x20
knee to elbow x20
3 rounds
Saturday 31st August
10 squats
10 in/out jumps
10 lunge jumps (or normal lunges)
10 barbell press
10 bent over row
10 squat jumps
4 rounds
20 glute bridges
10 press ups
10 lunges
10 toes to bar
10 ab roll ups
If time at end competition like on Thursday in 3 teams