It's circuits week! This week you will find more timed work and also more cardio!
This week all classes are as normal, can't wait to see you!
Monday 12 June
in pairs
EMOM x8 (4 each one works one rests for the minute)
Pause squats
BB push press (BB press using legs)
1 min on each (20s rest in between) - x3
Glute bridges
30:10 x3
Press ups
Ball slams
Bent over row
Y raises
20:10 x3 abs
bicycles (slow)
reverse crunches
roll ups
plank toe taps
Tuesday 13 June
in 3s on each station 30:15 x3 then move round
1-air bike, press ups, reverse lunges
2-squats, KB swings, RDL
3-BB press, ball slams, shoulder taps
4-leg press, RDL, down ups
5-burpees, inchworms, thrusters
6-shuttle runs, quick step ups, bicycles
abs x3
20 side reaches, 10 plank drops, 20s side plank hold each side
Wednesday 14 June
4 mins on each with 1-2min rest in between
1- barbell press x10, side raises x10, bent over Y raises x10
2- heels elevated squats x10, lying DB leg curls x10, ab extensions x10
3- bent over row x10, down ups x10, plank toe taps x10
4- split squats x10 each (feet stay in same place the don't move like they would a lunge), Romanian deadlifts x10 (knees soft but don’t bend any more)
5- shoulder taps x20, plank in/outs x20, press ups x10
6- chest press x10, ab roll ups x10
7- glute bridges x20, standing banded kickbacks x10 each side
Thursday 15 June
5mins on each station in pairs
1- rower 250m and press ups
2- air bike 7 cals and bench press
3- 10 squats, thrusters
4- 10 barbell press, leg extension
5- 10 seated row, tricep dips
6- 10 down ups, step ups
7- 10 toes to bar, rocky press
8- 10 ab roll ups, lunges
Friday 16 June
Endurance and strength circuits!
40:20 1 round
1-air bike
2-battle ropes
3-landmine rows
4-ball slams
7-man makers
8-high knees
9-shuttle runs
11-down ups
12-star jumps
13-butterfly sit ups
Strength (staying in one place use 1x BB 2xDB
40:20 x3
Clean and press
Reverse lunges
BB press
Press ups
Wall to wall sprints
Wall balls
Press ups
Wall sit
Burpee over bar
Box jumps